The very brief time I had was great. Made only six contacts, for an amazing score of 16 points. But it was a hoot chasing signals up and down the band as in days of old. Powered up three separate rigs for the NRR: a homebrew 42 xtal osc/807 pair amp running the ubiquitous 75 watts paired with a National NC-125 for three QSOs (pictured below), a Millen 90800 transmitter (6L6 osc, 807 amp) vintage 1947 paired with an HRO for two QSOs, and a Viking Navigator paired with a Hallicrafters SX101A for one QSO. Only the Navigator ran VFO.

Didn't hear a whole lot of signals, but I think had I had more time, especially during daylight and utilizing 15 and 10 meters, I could have done significantly better!

It was a great event, hope to see it again next year. Many thanks for getting this thing going!

73, Howie WB2AWQ Reno NV

During my Novice year, 1956, I made a total of two contacts, yet my logs are full of CQs. The only receiver I had at that time was a Heathkit AR-3 in which the BFO didn't work.

After the Novice expired, I worked very hard and got a Conditional (remember those) within the next year.

Then I was given an S-41G which a friend found in the basement of the house he moved into. I replace the filter caps which had gone bad, and used that, with my DX-35, for the next year and more.

The entire 20 meter band was about 3/16" wide on the dial, yet I made many, many contacts with that setup. I've recently bought and restored another S-41G and have tried to use it to make contacts now. It is VERY difficult. I am amazed.

vy 73, Ken W7EKB

Overall ,I enjoyed the NRR and looking forward to it again... The rig was the HQ129X and a 6AG7/807 MOPA (Master Oscillator Power AMP) transmitter, feeding a Johnson match box and a inverted vee.
73 - Jim, K4AHO

Even though I didn't get to operate as much as I wanted (ear infection) I enjoyed the comments on the web page and seeing the pictures of some of the old stuff. We ought to have a once a month thing like a 2 to 4 hr sprint ---just for fun. Thanks for all the work you put into this. 73, Skip K8SOR

Just like the "good old days" when I was a Novice, I called CQ for two hours and got nothing. ;-) Well maybe next year. Jeff wa6fwi

I had a lot of fun this week with my Drake rig, and got better at operating it, so the contest was a huge success for me, even though I don't have much of a score. I also have a couple of projects to do to make the rig operate even better. Thanks so much for organizing the contest. I hope you do it again next year, and I can participate again. One further thought, could you give a point to us xtal operators for duplex QSOs?  That may not be the proper term, but I did have to hunt for 2 of my QSOs, and probably missed some others because I didn't hunt as well as I should.  Sounds like that's how it was in the Novice days.   Thanks again for all your work on this fun event! 73 Neill, K3RNC

I only heard actual NRR signals the first one of two nights, but i got on 40 and 80 at least 10 times. making a contact with 10 times on the air to me shows high activity - mike w7dra

Enclosed please find my NRR stats. I'm not interested in points, but offer this info in order to receive the participation certificate... words cannot express how much I appreciate you making this event possible. I am 60 years licensed and I can't remember the last time I have enjoyed our hobby as much as I have during NRR. I for one look forward to keeping the spirit of this alive.
73 de Bert W1DFU

Curt, K8AI, Lowell MI - I don't really know what the proper log format is but I only made 3 QSOs. I used a Ten Tec Century 21 - VFO - 60W DC in (30W out.) The C21 was my first rig as a novice in 1990.
- Curt, K8AI

In the end I just didn't have enough time to get the rig on the air. By the time I thought about putting something else on the air it was too late. Until recently I could have borrowed a few hours, but I am still in the first few weeks of my new job, so things are pretty busy. I remembered to listen to 40m on Thursday evening. Quite amazing - way more activity than normal, and lots of sigs that were easy copy; although I didn't hear any chirp so I'm not sure if any were NRR. Anyway, even though I don't seem to learn this particular lesson, "next time" I will start preparing earlier :) Nice job. Clearly lots of people had a great time on the air. 73, Ian Wilson, K3IMW

Attached is a picture of the novice station I used - a Globe Scout and Halli ht-40 transmitters with a Halli sx-100 receiver. I also used a j37 straight key which you can also see in the photo. I had a really great time and learned a lot from the other ops. I also made a couple friends which willl last much longer than the week long event. I really tried but I didn't make any contacts so I don't have any points or a log to submit. Thanks for putting it on. 73, Scott W5TS

Just wanted to thank you for putting together the NRR. A FANTASTIC idea, as I've long regretted the ARRL's decision to drop the Novice contest of yesteryear.

I know how much "behind-the-scenes" work it takes to organize something like we all owe you a big THANK YOU!!!!
While I didn't have a chance to operate this year (too many professional obligations, I'm afraid), I DID get to listen for a few minutes here-and-there over the course of the week. What fun to hear all those good ol' rigs on the air again!!

Hoping to join-in next I have several rigs I'm itching to use again: Heath DX-60B; Knight T-50; Eico 723; HB 6L6; HB 50C5; HB 1S4; Hammarlund HQ-200; Lafayette HE-30, etc.

Thanks for a TERRIFIC week. And here's to another one next year!!

Tnx es vy 73, Kenn, W1KMH

Had a lot of fun with this event. Could only operate for a couple of hours each day.Ended up using only two crystals for the entire event, 7114, 7120.
73, Roland, KG2LO.

Here are my results, couldn't figure out what to do with skcc logger so created an excel file. i use pencil pen crayons for everything, sorry. great fun, neat stuff on facebook, tnx for the event

Jim Seeber KW3U

(Note: Just use AC2C's SKCCLogger program as you normally would but put XTAL or VFO in the GRID box. The other stations power goes in 'PWR RCVD.' Your Power goes in 'PWR SENT' - Bry AF4K)

It's available free here -

Very low score! However, trying to work N1N, on as many bands and modes as possible, definitely cut into my time spent in the NRR. Equipment: Globe Chief 90A, WRL755 VFO, Hallicrafters S107 - (I had) to use a VFO because K1N was splitting to exactly where all of my 40-meter crystals were. The 60-watts out of my Globe Chief 90A definitely could not compete with all the high powered stations calling Navassa! Glen, K9STH website:

Was all set. But tore up back muscles last day. Visitng son and gkids in HI. Recovered in time to get kidney stone which i passed. All set to get on air with my dx20 and Viking Adventurer when I came down with pneumonia. Still in bed. Busy month. Next year God willing and the creek don't rise.
73 de Karl, WA2KBZ

It was a pleasure to participate in the inaugural year for the Novice Rig Roundup (NRR). Licensed first in 1972 (WN3SPF), I built my first Novice CW transmitter from a schematic out of a 1953 radio magazine. It was a two tube rig featuring a 6AG7 oscillator and a 6L6 amplifier. After many years in storage, collecting plenty of dust and a filter capacitor meltdown, I got it working again. It was really cool to break this rig out and put it on the air for the NRR. I ran it during the NRR on reduced input power (100 VAC) to keep the output power at the QRP level. It was a joy to use. Anyway, thanks to those stations that I worked, it is an honor to be in your log. I will be looking forward to next year when we can do it again.

Rig - Homebrew two tube, xtal controlled, QRP LEVEL
Rcvr - Yaesu FT-757GX
Ant - Inverted vee (SWA) peak at 35 feet

Thanks to AF4K and K5MYJ for their effort to make this event a success.

72/73, Bill, KE3O

I enjoyed the NRR; I'm sorry I didn't have more time to 'play' (too many other things going on around me).. I think SKCC should consider sponsoring this annually... but: it needs to be moved away from the K3Y event - too close. I think a lot of folks get tired after the month long event and look for a break to just make lazy/chat QSOs.... I'd give it a month between events - but that's MY opinion, FWIW.

I also suggest a pre-formatted SUMMARY Sheet be prepared for use by the participants. I think it would be very helpful to both the "player" and the judge/scorer.

Ok, dem's my comments. I will look forward to another one next year - and, hopefully have more time to play in it.

Larry AH6AX

(NOTE - we have asked the SKCC Board to consider sponsoring it next year - and are working on the details... Bry AF4K)

Had fun, hope to do better next year...
73 ---Bob ka9bhd

My NRR results are attached.
You will see that I computed my score two ways, since I was not sure how to handle 3 QSO’s where I did not receive rig information. In two of three of these cases, it was an SKCC member that initiated contact in order to exchange ID numbers, unaware that I was working the NRR. Another was a local amateur that appeared to be looking for a quick antenna check.

Great job on organizing this unique and rewarding CW event!

I really enjoyed the longer (typically 10-15m) QSO opportunities this contest created. It was fun to be able to learn more about the individuals on the other end, and it also provided great CW sending and receiving practice (especially in the 7.100 – 7.125 range, with its very heavy foreign broadcast(?), SSB, and RTTY background!).

73, Dave, KI8JY

Got my "Novice Station" setup with my HT-40 and the S-38D. Was able to make a few contacts... but I cheated by asking a couple of local hams to be on the lookout for my signal just to see how the two radios would play together in a semi-controlled environment. However, this is really the first time I had the S-38 operating in CW mode since for the most part I listen to shortwave or AM broadcasts. I found that as soon as I switched the radio into CW mode, a very loud buzz comes out of the speaker that pretty much covers any weak stations. I only tried the radio on 40 meters... but the buzz - which sounds like an AC buzz - is present on all the bands with the switch in CW mode. The radio has been rebuilt (all caps and necessary resistors replaced) and a new power cord has been installed as per the recommended safety instructions. Just wondering if that "gimmick" capacitor and its close proximity to the 12SG7 tube could be causing the issue.

Anyone experience this with their S-38s?

Aaron - N2HTL

Major storm hit the Oregon Coast the first weekend and took out some of my antennas, I was able to operate the first Friday and part of Saturday. Then I was gone all week, so I was only able to work 7-8 hours. I did pick up one more contact just before the event ended. It was great to hear the old rigs on the air and to share the enjoyment everyone had for running them. It sure brought back memories of my Novice days in 1966, especially tuning up and down the band listening for replies. I only worked one station on 15M and none on 80M, so I hope to get a little more action on those bands next time. I plan on keeping the tubes warmed up and getting my Drakes on the air regularly.

73 and see you next time, Gary/KF7WNS

Sounds like you guys are having fun with the NRR. Unfortunately, I was not able to participate this time, but will try very hard to be there next time. I am in the process of moving from one QTH to another. When I get to the new QTH and get my shack and antennas set up again, I will have the choice of a crystal controlled Heathkit DX-20 (my original Novice rig from 1959) or a DX-40 + VF-1 VFO. The receiver will be either a mostly unmodified BC-348-L or a 1953 (or thereabouts) Hallicrafters SX-71, assuming I can get it rebuilt and running by then. Since I will be on from Anchorage (Alaska), it will be a bit more of a challenge both ways, but then that's what makes it fun. - Jim, KL7CC

If I receive a reminder next year, I would likely show up for the event. Besides, I'll probably be better prepared by then. I'm still working on my 2nd station at my 'home away from home' (8 miles from listed QTH). I'll email you again when I feel more ready with the T-60. More than anything, I just need to get a utility keyer going. I have built in keyers in various rigs, no working external ones at the moment. Will be fun to get on with the T-60 and ragchew and DX a little on 40 and 80. I have fairly decent wires on both bands and should get out OK.

73, David K3KY

I was excited about participating in this event but quickly discovered that trying to make a contact on crystal controlled frequencies were very frustrating to say the least. Most of the ops that were working on the crystal frequencies I had, four to be exact, went into rag chew dialogues that lasted well over an hour. I spent a lot of time waiting to make a contact, but patience ran out and I decided not to play any more. It would have been nice to have some sort of time limit on an event such as this especially when this old tube equipment starts to heat up. My DX-20 started to chirp after being on for 2 hours. Anyways, the 2 contacts I made was fun. I wish I would have been able to make more. I had to remove myself from the yahoo group because the mail was going to a mailbox that I do not use for events and such. Thanks for your effort.

73 - Steve, K2DEP

Great fun. Hopefully this will encourage many stations to continue using their older gear on a regular basis. I find most of my activity over the past few years has been focused on boatanchor rigs. Just great fun and brings back so many wonderful memories. Oh, did I mention the "smell" and the warm glow?

Tony, W4FOA, Chickamauga, GA

W8KGI - Jim - Used a home brew 6AG7 - 6146 with a VF1 and HRO50

Hi all, many tnx from kw3u, a blast working 10 different stns using my johnson adventurer,drake 2nt, with crystals and the eico 722 vfo. the drake rcvrs 2B & R4A pulled everyone in just fine. I think myrts n1gke AT1 was the oldest rig i worked. i enjoyed the adventurer to adventurer qso and the 2nt's, neat. attached is my NRR station. if u zoom in check out the meter on the adventurer.

73 Jim kw3u

I used to operate a lot of CW and there was a time I could send/receive at 35+ wpm.  However, I haven't used CW much in a number of years.  This absence made copying folks running 13 wpm or higher difficult if the quality of their sending wasn't perfect, like mine isn't.  Although I didn't make that many contacts (I listened a lot), I was happily surprised when my ability to copy 20+ wpm came slowly back.  This improvement was evident when I easily copied a W9 when he called me using his 45 wpm or so computer generated code.  The purpose of his call was to bad mouth the chirp of my 4 Watt 6L6 oscillator which was apparently intruding in 'his' DX chasing space.  Unless I was mistaken, I was there first.  He was a jerk while I remained a gentleman.

There were several highlights I'll mention.  First, my first QSO was with Bry AF4K.  I was thrilled with this as it was not by design but, rather, by pure luck.  Too bad I wasn't using my 4 Watt rig so he could get 3 points from me. After that QSO I switched to the 6L6.  Second, although I have used my W0WOI-built 4 Watt homebrew 6L6 XTAL oscillator transmitter before, this was the first time I used it for an extended period of time.  I was amazed at the good reports I received.  I was surprised at how different the rig behaves with different crystals.  Most seemed to oscillate 1-2 KC lower than their stated frequencies however I don't know if this is because of an issue with my receiver (FT-101ZD) or something else.  Third, I had some relatively long QSOs with Dennis WB6CGJ, who was using his rebuilt DX-35, and Don WA2HMB, who was using his Globe Chief whose chirp helped me copy him through the occasional QRM.  Last, I was pleased to work several fellows that are older than me, all of whom were using straight keys.

I would like to see NRR happen more than once per year and I think it would also be great to have an HRR (Homebrew Rig Roundup) to stimulate people to build or operate their existing rigs.  Although I've had lots of commercial rigs, my most enjoyable QSOs were with a 6L6 XTAL oscillator I built on a scrapped dictating machine chassis when I was in college.

73, Brian Harris, WA5UEK

I really enjoyed the NRR although my time on the air was pretty limited due to involvement in a missions conference at church and a root canal that my wife was subjected to in the middle of the week.

Since I had set aside my Swan 270B to make room for the AF-67, I checked into a 75 meter SSB traffic net using the AF-67 but I didn't score that as it seems a little outside the purpose of NRR.

I listened for you late at night (late here, much later there) a few times, but during NRR, I didn't hear much from the East Coast. I was using my 40 meter attic dipole, about 12 feet up. During the '70s, I worked quite a few states with that antenna and an HW-7 running 3 watts on 40 meters, including some northeast stations, but nothing east of Texas in the South. I was running about 37 watts output with the AF-67 on 40, so I was almost two S-units better than the HW-7. The AF-67 gets good reports on its keying waveshape: no chirp or clicks. I've used it mostly on 80 and 40, but also a couple of times on 20 and 15. I'd like to try it on 160 one of these days.

73, Maynard W6PAP

Here attached the log and summary sheet (very poor I know hi) for NRR of this year 2015. Yes they are just 4 QSO and low total points, (easy for you to manage it...hi), but anyway it was really amusing to have these short QSO's with my homemade two tubes TX and Collins RX, for the very short time I had in Radio in the week end with friends of mine and just one not I, but QRP station.

Have my best regards and thanks for organizing this good opportunity to be on the air with our "Old Ladies", and hope to make more in next year, and using an homemade RX too.

Best 73 and nice to read you on the group too.

GB - Alex I5SKK ex I0SKK

I enjoy tube radio and have built several HB transmitters. I am also working on a Johnson Valiant (200W) transmitter. I have working National NC 183D, RME 4350A, Hallicrafters S-38 and an S-38A. Maybe next time I will use one of my VFOs on my DX-20 to give me a little range, but they tend to chirp a lot. Hi Hi. I use a G5RV @ 30ft for an antenna, but I ordered a Mosley TA-33 JR WARC a few days ago and will put it up 45 ft on a tower and HAM IV rotator that was given to me. Tower is not installed yet.

I have been a ham almost 3 years and I have been very active in SKCC. I am also a member of FISTS, NAQCC, Flying Pigs and QRP-ARCI. Hope to see you on the bands.

73 Steve, K2DEP

I only made three contacts and they weren't NRR. Should I even bother submitting a log ? I had a blast just wish that there were some L.A. area folks interested in this stuff. I have included a picture - Doug Forbes WA6VYN

Rig Drake 2NT/2C/2CQ and a 80/40M inv. Vee. Attached is my log with a total of 8 QSOs. Operated xtal controlled. Truly an enjoyable time of operating.

I don't think stations tuned around enough after they called CQ. Back in my novice days (65'), we tuned up and down the novice bands.....I never heard a single signal on 15M.....If that band would have worked, the state totals would have went way up....Anyway, great fun and I look forward to next year.

Also, is there gonna be a single tube tx sprint or event this year. Hope to have a 6T9 xmtr done soon....Also, working on a new rcvr but it's solid state.....I also am sending copies in the snail mail.


Novice era station:
Receiver = Hammarlund HQ-129-X
Transmitter = Johnson Ranger One (xtal control) Power out = 35 watts
(Bird 43 with 250H slug into dummy load)
Antenna = sloped trap dipole.
One QSO with W7DRA

- James, KB6GM

That was a fun, wasn't it? Never was a Novice, only been licensed 5 years. Never had to learn code. Parentrs didn't have a big tube SW receiver. We had no neighbors that were amateur operators, so there is little nostalgia in it for me. On the other hand, I like making things. I enjoy using somewhat simpler equipment, and the tube era is about as complex as my electronics background gets. So this was a perfect fit for me.

As for the operating, well, I had some challenges. First, my beautful 6AG7 to 2 - 807's homebrew transmitter starting blowing filter caps a couple days before the event. Condx weren't favorable for my little Ameco at 3-7watts out, at least when I had time to operate, and I didn't get as many crystals ground in advance as I'd hoped I would. Nonetheless, I dug out an old Viking II, filled the 10 crystals slots, tuned it "light" and tried to make some contacts. Overall numbers weren't great. Heck they were not not even good, but I enjoyed each one of them. I listened in a quite a few NRR QSOs as well. Looking forward to another one, and maybe even something in the form of a sprint or similar event a few times over the next year. Would be nice to hear more "Novice Style" operation on a consistent basis, not just once a year!

I worked 6 other novice stations in 6 separate states, and enjoyed it immensely.

Thanks, Doug N3PDT

PS, and no, I really don't care about VFO/XTAL points, etc. It was just plain fun and I hope we keep it up throughout the year, not just a week in February.

I really nice contest. I liked the 1 week time frame. Although I didn't have much time to operate, there was lots of activity. Looking forward to next year. Thanks to all that contacted me.

Novice Level running 40 watts
Heathkit DX-60 / VFO
Drake 2A receiver

Thanks and 73 Joe, KD2JC - NJ

I was busy with the Hamcation so didn't have as much time to play as I would have liked. 40 meters 7100 to 7122 was a MESS. Overrun with SSB stations. I would suggest a little more restrictive frequency range for this contest. perhaps 7045 to 7070 and 3565 to 3580 khz. There are not many of us out there to start with and not many folks remembering to TUNE for xtals folks. It was an uphill battle. 73 - Jim, K4AHO

I have my results of the contest sealed and stamped to mail but no way to do so. We have been snowed in since last Friday and looks like Saturday, the 21st., afternoon or Sunday will be the first time we will be able to get out. 14 inches of snow so far and up to 8 more expected by morning. Don't have ADIF format buy on spreadsheet. Any suggestions would be appreciated and hate to bother you with this.

Danny L. Wright - KF4MF

(Danny please see the notes above on using the super simple AC2C Logger program - designed for SKCC but works great for NRR. )
You can download and use it completely free. No ads, just fun:

Click here -

Knight kit T-60 30 watts , Drake R4B, Windom @ 25 feet... Five QSOs.

Amount of fun = PRICELESS. I had a great time - hope we can keep up the Facebook page and momentum.
73 Sam K4RTE

This was the log I kept for NRR. Now that the event is over, it is my dedicated log for the "Mini Bandmaster" HB mopa. I thought about making some of these up, only printed, not hand ruled like this one. They are center stitch bound, a bit larger than the ARRL "Mini-Logs", and harken back to a day before spiral binding. My idea was dedicated use, like for a contest or sprint, or for a particular project rig like mine. Thinking of making one up for when I go camp-site portable in a couple weeks. Question: would this be something that anyone might want for their station? I plan a sort of 1930s or 40s motif for the cover, the logging pages would permit a bit more detail than the Mini-logs did, but not so much as to be cumbersome. I got the idea from a 1930s radio travel log.

Gary, WD4NKA (Paper Wrenn Press)

I put out the info about NRR onto the Cq-Contest web site, and although one of the emails was rejected by the Cq-Contest robot, the list managers did accept the NRR announcements, so now we have more than 2000 potential contest participants for next year!

I was on the air many times with several rigs but only the 6AG7 xtal osc driving a globe chief 90 at somewheres around 40 watts on a 7100 kcs xtal made any contacts..... wait 'till next year!

mike w7dra

My Rig was a 1953 era HB Novice Transmitter @ 9 watts for one QSO and a Heathkit DX-20 @ 30 watts for the second QSO. My Receiver was a National NC-183D. G5RV @ 30 ft.

- Steve, K2DEP

I participated in the NRR with my HW-8, making only 4 contacts. However, I am attaching my versions of NRR Log and Summary Sheet. I hope they will suffice to obtain for me a certificate. 73, Lou Axeman, N8LA

Thanks for organizing this event. I had a great time. Work and my mother falling and breaking her hip cut into my operating time. It was enjoyable getting the HW16 on the air and making a few QSOs.

Next year, I think it would be worthwhile to promote this events to owners of modern equipment to see if NRR sparks an interest in this small corner of ham radio. Also I like your idea for additional points for 15 & 10 Meters.

Other ideas:
Bonuses for worked all call areas and number of states worked. Possibly some DX bonuses as well.

Next year I hope to homebrew a 2x 807 TX and restore my HQ129x. I saw some plans on the facebook page for the TX and will search for them.

Again, Thanks & 73 - Brian Swanick, W9KVW

Transmitter Heathkit DX-60B @60w input
Receiver Heathkit HR-10B
Antenna - 135 fot dipole plus antenna tuner

Enjoyed every minute of it.

Mike Herr, WA6ARA

So glad to get on the air again after a long time QRT: NRR is a fine event. I plan to participate next year, hopefully I can resurrect the dual-1625 home brewed transmitter I built in about 1959, and the original ARC-5 receiver from then. Thanks to all for a great event.

Roy, K1LKY

I operated a Ranger ll and a DX-60B Tx's with HQ-170 Rx. What a Blast. I thought I was a Novice again.

Testimonial: I had the best of times participating in the NRR and met some real nice folks in the process. I can not wait for the next one. In the mean time I am a soldier in the CBLA. (3579.XXX MHz.) (Donald made a fine 19 QSOs X 12 states = 228 - Bry)

Best 73, K5HFG, Donald Lee Bowders

I feel like a little kid that missed Christmas. I was waiting for months, and then work got in the way. I only was able to "play" in NRR on the last day. I hope it will be bi-annually.... another NRR in the summer???

Dave, KD2E

I made one QSO on 7.114 Mc using an xtal I got from you long ago. Viking Adventurer worked well at 50W. Had to use my IC746Pro as rcvr because I got the Drake 2A going and then smoked it before I could get it off the bench and into the shack. The R4A wasn't working nor was the R71A. So, I improvised so to speak. Antenna was a ground mounted vertical like I had as a novice, though not the same one of course. Will be better prepared next year. The station I worked was using a VFO so I only get 2 points. So maybe I'll qualify for the lowest score for this first NRR.

73, Bob K5ZOL

RIG: Eico 720/vfo Drake 2B 75w input

I was glad to see the event get off to what looks like a pretty good start. I'm always looking for a good excuse to use the BA rigs for a fun event.

Tnx, Bry, and all who got this one going. I look forward to the next NRR....

73 all de Bill K4JYS

Sorry I didn’t have more time, but not much activity on the west coast! I was disappointed as I had 14 Novice transmitters ready to go, along with dozens of receivers! Also attached are the rigs I used. I’ll put them on Facebook, too. If I may suggest, this would be a nice activity every month or every quarter, for a day or evening, so we could get everyone together! Thanks for all you did to make it happen! Ron K2RP

My transceiver Kenwood TS-520 using Heath HD-1410 keyer

Wonderful event "thank you". Equipment problems stalled me.
Oh well, Maybe next time.

73 Mike. W4MVM

I used a Heathkit DX35 TX, Xtal, 40 watts. National NC183 RX and inverted Vee

Dennis Ambrose, WB6CGJ

Back in the early 80s, when I was a Novice, it was more enjoyable to listen to CW rather than actually operate using it. I participated in a few Novice Round-Up events, and what made them a lot of fun was the fact that the exchange was a relatively simple report and no "rag-chewing" was necessary to make a contact. The more I got into Ham Radio, the more I drifted away from using CW. My copying speed was horrible and I was constantly getting lost during a QSO because I always tried to anticipate what the next character would be. While trying to figure out what I was hearing, several characters would go by and I wound up missing most of what was being sent to me. I couldn't wait to upgrade my license so I could operate using phone and put the key away. In my opinion, CW was an antiquated mode that just wasn't for me.

I discovered CW all over again because I restore old boat-anchors and I also got into operating QRP. Had to face the fact that a CW signal being sent from a half-watt transmitter has a better chance of being heard than one sending phone at the same power level. As for the old transmitters... CW was ALL they sent! I now use CW about as much as I do phone or another digital mode.

When I heard about the Novice Rig Roundup, I couldn't wait to jump in using several of the rigs I had restored. What made it more exciting was that it brought back the fun I had in the old Novice Round-Ups without the fear of getting completely lost trying to copy the code during a QSO. I admit that my speed is still not where it should be, but the majority of the contacts I made during the NRR were perfectly readable. I got lost a couple of times, but it felt like 1981 all over again and I had to admit it was a great. Perhaps being a Novice wasn't so bad after all. I had a whole new appreciation for not only my boat-anchor transmitters, but for CW as well... which I had pretty much given up on.
Can't wait until next year!

Aaron - N2HTL (Aaron made a whopping 32 QSOs - Bry)

I never heard anyone on 80m (Probably listening at the wrong times). Called CQ on 15m and 10m but no QSOs. Never jheard any activity on thes ebands either. Just as in my novice days (WN9AVT) starting in October 1961), 40m was THE band. Really enjoyed this event, and will certainly doi t again in 2016 - My Rig: Viking Ranger II, VFO, 40 watts, HQ170 rcvr.

Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA

All QSOs made with AMECO AC1 and crystal at 5 watts. Rcvr IC-718 and Dipole antenna

- Ewan Moore, N4LMI in Bonifay, FL

(Note: Ewan's score would be higher, but did not report pwr of other stations or whether Crystal or VFO - Bry, AF4K)

K4IBZ made a total of 72 contacts worth 153 points and a multiplier (S,P,C) of 30 = 4590 - a great score. PLUS he received an OO notice (the only one!) and submitted it with his logs! See below!

Thanks very much for this info - fascinating to see all the interest in running novice rigs again. I missed this one due to family commitments, but I have several novice rigs ready to go for the next time. Ron, K2RP encouraged several of us W6 types to participate, and I am glad that he made it, at least.

Your efforts are very much appreciated out here!

73, Rocco N6KN

Sample Summary Sheet and QSL from WA8DOF:

2015 NRR sponsored by:

Paper Wren Press

AF4K Crystals

Click here.

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Examples of Novice Kit rigs and other associated items

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